Interested in supporting a specific cause at Boulder Opera?

$50 Donation: Sponsor 3 children to attend a concert for free!

$100 Donation: Sponsor one of our outstanding musicians!

$250 Donation: Sponsor the beautiful costumes you see on stage… and have your name in the program!

$500 Donation: Sponsor the director of the opera… and have your name in the program!

*If you would like to donate to a specific cause please notate it in the "note" section of our donation page, and you will be credited properly


Some highlights from our past seasons!


Boulder Opera is a local nonprofit, dedicated to making Opera accessible to audiences of all ages and to creating opportunities for local Opera singers.

Ticket sales cover only a small percentage of Boulder Opera's annual operating budget. The balance must be raised from contributed sources: grants, sponsorships and gifts from people like you.

In order to keep our prices affordable for all, we need your support. A tax-deductible gift of any amount will make a difference to our cause.  Support us now by making a donation of any amount!

If you would like to send a check, please make it out to Boulder Opera Company and mail to:

Boulder Opera Company, 2015 Grape Avenue, Boulder, CO 80304

How we Pay for The Boulder Opera


There are so many ways to give!

any amount, $5, $10, $25 can help...